Title | Seminar Decision Procedures |
Semester | SS 2016 |
Module | Master-Seminar (IN2107) |
Prerequisites |
Specialization in the area Formal Methods and its Applications,
e. g. some of the following courses:
SWS | 2 |
ECTS | 4 |
Organisation | Fabian Immler, Manuel Eberl, Tobias Nipkow |
Picture by Ilya Yodovsky Jr.
(taken from Decision Procedures by D. Kroening and O. Strichman)
In 1928, David Hilbert and Wilhelm Ackermann posed the fundamental question commonly known as the Entscheidungsproblem (‘decision problem’): ‘Is there a finite procedure (= algorithm) that decides the validity of any given formula in first-order logic?’ Hilbert called it the ‘main problem of mathematical logic’ at that time. The question was answered negatively by Church and Turing (independently) only several years later. Thus the quest for the holy grail of logic – an automated procedure to decide the validity of any given first-order formula – was doomed to fail!
But not all hope is lost – there are many theories and fragments of first-order logic which
Examples of interesting Theories include:
Date: 28.1.2016
Time: 14:30 – 15:30
Room: MI 00.09.038 (Turing)
Please hand in your solution attempts to
Fabian Immler until
Overview of topics, information on organization, … If you want to participate in the seminar but cannot attend the first meeting, please write an email to Fabian Immler
Students are assigned to the course via the Matching platform.
All participants are expected to give a decent lecture of 45 minutes. During and after every lecture there will be discussions.
Everyone is expected to prepare an exercise sheet with 3-4 exercises (of varying difficulty). Every participant should make a serious attempt at a solution for at least 80% of the exercises and hand in solution attempts to Fabian Immler.
Please prepare enjoyable slides! Use a clean layout and font and include appropriate figures. Feel free to use the blackboard or projector e. g. for highlighting important facts or developing examples. Before you start working on your presentation, please read the Guidelines for Creating Presentations from the LaTeX-beamer userguide. Please also prepare enjoyable exercise sheets – you can use the template provided.
We will provide some basic literature – additionally, we expect every participant to search for further literature! Every presentation will be supervised by one member of the chair who will always be happy to answer questions and provide guidance on how to give a good presentation.
Topic | ID | Student | Advisor | Literature | Date and Time | Room | Material |
Certification of (un)SAT proofs | 1 | Wolfgang Nicka | Dr. Peter Lammich | link | Tue 28 June, 14:00–15:00 | MI 00.11.038 (John v. Neumann) | Slides Exercises Solutions |
Equality Logic and Uninterpreted Functions | 2 | Michaela Tiessler | Dr. Johannes Hölzl | link | Tue 28 June, 15:00–16:00 | MI 00.11.038 (John v. Neumann) | Slides Exercises Solutions |
Linear Arithmetic | 3 | Matthias Kohler | Prof. Tobias Nipkow | link | Tue 5 July, 14:00–15:00 | MI 00.09.038 (Turing) | Slides Exercises Solutions |
Presburger Arithmetic | 4 | Fabio Madge Pimentel | Julian Brunner | link, link | Tue 5 July, 15:00–16:00 | MI 00.09.038 (Turing) | Slides Exercises Solutions |
Real Arithmetic | 6 | Max Haslbeck | Manuel Eberl | link | Fri 8 July, 10:00–11:00 | MI 00.11.038 (John v. Neumann) | Slides Exercises Handout Solutions |
Combination of Theories | 5 | Dennis Schmidt | Fabian Immler | link | Fri 8 July, 11:00–12:00 | MI 00.11.038 (John v. Neumann) | Slides Exercises Solutions |