About me


Since October 2019, I am a doctoral candidate in Computer Science at the Chair for Logic and Verification supervised by Prof. Nipkow. My interests are automated theorem proving and the integration of automated methods into the theorem prover Isabelle. Currently, I am working on verifying proof-producing decision procedures for ground theories such as multi-level syllogistic (a fragment of set theory) and congruence closure.

Before starting as a doctoral candidate, I received my Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science at the Technical University of Munich. I was a tutor in Efficient Algorithms and Data Structures and a research assistant at the Chair for IT Security during my studies.

Conference Articles

Workshop Articles

Entries in the Archive of Formal Proofs (AFP)



Name Lukas Stevens
E-mail {lukas.stevens} AT [in.tum.de]
ORCID iD 0000-0003-0222-6858
Office MI 00.09.061
Address Lukas Stevens
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching